Chili Beans Country Cornbread

Chili Beans Country Cornbread

These Chili Beans have a little bit of everything … definitely a main dish. Spicy and hot if you are into it. OR the dish can be tamed. It’s up to you. This recipe is easy but does take time to cook to bring out the flavors. After the first few steps it can be cooked in a crockpot if you have one large enough. This recipe tends to grow. I suggest an eight quart stock pot just to provide even heating and easy stirring … no worry of spilling over.

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Easy Spice Cake Donuts

Here’s another Perry family recipe, Spice Cake Donuts. Definitely not labor intensive. Wonderful with milk or coffee. What a great breakfast surprise for the family … Fresh, golden, homemade Spice Cake Donuts. Thank you second cousin Margaret and forgive me for changing up the recipe just a bit.

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Stuffed Pasta Shells And a Movie

This vegetarian recipe whips up in minutes. So, you’ll have plenty of time to see a movie in the same evening …  at a theatre or in the comfort of your own home. Have you ever heard of The Shell Seekers with Maximilian Schell?

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Chunky Root Soup Just Happens to Be Vegan

Root soup is a winter necessity on these icy cold days. It’s a little early for Saint Patrick’s Day but you might find this served along with corned beef or beef brisket. It’s just a wonderful meal all alone.  Light enough to have several servings.

Eat it chunky like this or use a blender to give it a creamy texture. I prefer it this way.

If you use prepared vegetable broth this can be ready to eat in 30-40 minutes. I like making my own vegetable broth … my recipe in the previous post. This is a rich recipe not requiring butter or chicken broth. Absolutely the best!

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Vegetable Stock Or Vegetable Broth

From This …

To This!

Often vegetable stock and broth are used interchangeably in recipes. So what is the difference? After researching these two, stock vs broth, it is still a little unclear. But I like to make it simple. My take … The biggest difference is in the seasonings. Broth has seasonings making it immediately palatable while stock is ready to be seasoned and manipulated in a recipe. This recipe may resemble a broth more closely. I use this broth routinely for recipes that ask for either … Even in recipes asking for chicken or beef stock or broth. I do pay close attention to salt and other seasonings when adding this broth to recipes.

I am preparing this recipe specifically to use in a chunky root soup, next post. The nice thing about this recipe … You can add vegetables you have on hand. However, these basic ingredients are required … onions, celery and carrots … and for me, garlic too.

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Valentine’s Day Cookies

Decorated Cookie Cakes have a new face. This recipe was first posted December 12, 2013.

Now a Valentine!

I really love this recipe. Two cookies with a layer of frosting, then slathered all over and topped off with coconut, become a delicious surprise for Valentine’s Day. This cookie cake was always a Valentine’s Day cookie … Made many times for a classroom full of children. Those days are gone but my children still love these. We hope you will give this recipe a try. Continue reading