
The push into food blogging, not that I needed much of one, came from my son Will. Domesticity and creative expression were always favored over any professional position I held. But I was the breadwinner and the opportunity to reinvent myself was not an option … at least not then.

Over the years my family and I have watched as food truly has become an entertainment. We had watched Julia Child, Graham Kerr and James Beard, some of the first TV foodie pioneers, more for their personalities. Our introduction to Martha Stewart was her first book, my mother’s coffee table book. Periodically I’d leaf through and think how lucky she was to do something she loved … something I loved. As the family became more acquainted with the public Martha Stewart we’d smile as we imagined parallels, I’ll bet accurately; driven, strong, workaholic, organized, detailed and as handy with carpenter tools as kitchen utensils.

So, when Will said, you should do a food blog, I leaped.

Food has always been an important part of my life. Many of my earliest memories are of being in the kitchen with my Grandmother Rose where I was taught food was love and love was food. I was taught early that the kitchen was a place of pleasantries … Intrigued by the tins of spices and the many cooking utensils which were stored on their shelves or in drawers, hung on special hooks or waiting patiently on the stove … I was encouraged to start simple. My early efforts paid off receiving unexpected but much appreciated praise when they turned out surprisingly well.

By the time I was 10 I had found my passion. It was in the kitchen that I felt free to express myself and not be timid. While I was first taught to put together a variety of simple dishes it wasn’t long before I was sharing my mishaps, newly acquired skills and eventual successes with my family and friends.

Stay tuned for those mishaps.

Why Kitchen Getaway

Over the years events have come and gone, marriages too. Money was tight. But in my kitchen I have travelled to other countries, transported myself in time, and have been comforted by my cooking experiences. It has been my way to get away after a bad day at work, get away from the doldrums on a stormy gray day or even from the thoughts of a broken relationship. Cooking is something I love to do.

Thank you to my Grandmother for the many loving experiences in her kitchen … And all those trips to Long Beach