Sun Giant Cookies

Over 30 years ago I purchased these smiley face cookie cutters … different sizes with eight cookie recipes. All came attached to my Sun Giant box of raisins. Or, was it dates, or almonds? (Can’t remember exactly. Oops!) This recipe is my favorite of the eight. Be prepared, these Smiley Cookies will bring smiles to your family’s and friends’ faces.

This recipe was initially for my two oldest sons, 10 and 8 at the time. But this cookie became my favorite instead. The texture is similar to a biscuit or shortbread. It is mildly sweet, and packed with dates, raisins and almonds. It is great with coffee! So, anytime I need to bake myself happy I reach for this recipe. The Sun Giant can’t help but make me smile.

I hope you enjoy this cookie too.


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Portuguese Butter Sponge Cake

Five senses overload best described Aunt Alice’s kitchen … Bleach cleaned and brightly lighted; smelling of smoked meats and sweet cakes; crowded with grown-ups who were loud with laughter, full of unfamiliar words, and giving toothy smiles and hugs as unconsciously as breathing. This was a pleasantly scary place to be for a three year old. I wish I could literally time travel to experience this again. And again.

As for this Portuguese Butter Sponge Cake … Having backyard chickens with extra eggs, and a memory boost from a friend, thank you Margaret, and thoughts of the grown-ups in my great aunt’s kitchen revived this family favorite. This cake was eaten straight from the oven for the intensified buttery taste, more noticeable when warm.  Margaret had eaten it just this way at our house and remembered it after all these years as a favorite.

There’s something about great food and memories. I have to laugh about our old family photos. It seems from these we did nothing else, but eat. Continue reading