Salsa for Just about Everything
When I first met my future Daughter-In-Law Ann she found her way to my kitchen as all family does. Besides all the other wonderful things about Ann she is comfortable in the kitchen and a very good cook. She whipped up this salsa for our family during that first visit. It was a hit! So when I received requests for a fresh salsa I immediately thought of this one. It’s great to serve alone or over just about everything.
Appetizer for 6 6-8 Plum tomatoes, diced3 Cloves garlic, minced
2-3 Tablespoons chopped cilantro
Juice of one lime
1-2 Jalapeños, diced
1 Medium red onion, diced
Salt and pepper to taste Substitutions or alterations: Omit onion and add bell pepper
Add finely chopped celery ribs, 2
Omit cilantro
Use garlic salt for salt