Blueberry Lemon Pound Cake

with Chantilly Cream

Lemon is my flavor of choice for the last weeks. It really isn’t random. I have a houseguest who’s into lemon cakes, breads and cookies. And I love to see someone enjoy a favorite. This recipe is a revision of James Beard’s Huckleberry Cake. First, huckleberries are hard to find and I’ve substituted blueberries, a similar berry. But most importantly I’ve added a big lemon taste!

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Coconut Lemon Cake

Perfect for your Valentine who’s into lemon. Typically a double layered cake but my guy likes a loaf cake he can whittle on all day. The batter is plentiful and for certain will overflow a standard loaf pan. Just make a couple of large cup cakes in addition. All this changes bake times. We are into the one layer of icing and love the look as it melts down the sides of the warm cake. It’s a homey comfort food recipe that leaves the kitchen smelling delicious, and palates pleasantly satisfied with the taste and flavor.

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Salted Caramel Candied Pecan Pumpkin Spice

Next to chocolate, caramel is a family favorite for desserts. With the praises over my Best Chocolate Layered Dessert I decided to try this for someone’s birthday who’s into pumpkin spices. It was a hit! All the recipes are on the blog with the exception of the caramel pudding. This can be done with box mixes if time is limited. Scratch is still my favorite.  A drizzle of bourbon can be added over the cake too for an extra special presentation.

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Chocolate Pound Cake


Just given a new dessert recipe to try! The main ingredient is a chocolate cake. Pretty much any chocolate cake as long as it’s tasty. I’ve posted many of my favorite chocolate cake recipes over the years but wanted to try something new just for fun. Chocolate pound cake seemed the perfect texture for the layered cake dessert recipe (coming soon). So I did a search and came up with Trisha Yearwood’s Chocolate Pound Cake. Since I know Trisha (ha) I just had to try it. I guess I should explain I really don’t know Trisha. I did run into her husband, Garth Brooks, at Reasor’s in Owasso (Oklahoma) back in the day. There was no fuss going on around him and I wouldn’t have noticed but he looks like my middle son (with a cowboy hat). I did a double take! And if you’ve heard the story of Trisha and Garth’s engagement, well, it’s all about Bakersfield, a place I know very well. Back to the cake, I had all the ingredients for her cake recipe and it had nearly a five star rating. A perfect choice for my layered dessert. Until then enjoy Trisha’s pound cake and some of my favorite chocolate cakes too.


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Penuche Frosting & Buttermilk Cake

This is what you make for family dessert when the buttermilk is about to expire! This gal isn’t into drinking it straight up as Martha’s daughter said her mother secretly is, right from the carton. Buttermilk makes for a deliciously moist cake, one that doesn’t dry out a day later. I baked this cake in one 8 inch by 3 inch round but I really don’t recommend it. It was easier to frost but took extra time in baking leaving the edges a bit thick and firm. I recommend a 9 inch square or two eight inch rounds. As for the frosting, interestingly, it is believed penuche originated in Portugal and found its way to New England, right where my Grandmother Rose was raised. This butterscotch maple flavored frosting is just perfect with this cake. My Grandmother taught her new daughter-in-law by doing in the kitchen. This is another recipe Mother picked up, and we loved and still do!

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Chocolate Cola Cake

Chocolatey goodness recipe from Southern Lady Magazine. Simple 20 minute prep (includes frosting) with a 30 minute bake. Like chocolate cake or brownies? Like easy cake recipes? You’ll love this! Enjoy!


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7UP Cake

If you’re thinking this is just another pound cake you’re in for a surprise. The texture of this cake isn’t grainy or heavy … it’s perfect! Simple recipe with rich results. What more can you ask for in a cake recipe! Add glaze, berries and ice cream for a company presentation this 4th. It will be the biggest bang on Independence Day!

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Shepherd’s Pie

The entree was a hit! George, the meat-n-potatoes birthday guy, loved it! There are many variations to this recipe.You might add your own touch like fresh peas, chopped celery, mashed cauliflower in place of potatoes but I like this just as it is. It absolutely has an amazing flavor and it’s so very moist.

If you like meat and potatoes I guarantee you’ll love this!

Birthday cake! Delicious!

Hummingbird Cake








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Hummingbird Cake

A request from my son-in-law. So, I looked through my cookbook library and pulled out one of my favorites, American Cake. (Thank you Ann, my daughter-in-law’s gift.) I enjoy reading the stories as much as looking over the recipes. After reviewing hummingbird cake recipes on-line this recipe looked best for my family. Oil instead of butter, no coconut (not liked by all), and the recipe was easy enough to toss together in record time.

Enjoy, it’s amazing.

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Sprouting Carrot Cupcakes

Using This Filled Mini Cupcake Recipe!

With a few simple changes this kid lovin’ treat can be their & your Easter Favorite! Yep, we changed out the green food coloring for a carrot orange, added cut green licorice strips sprouting from the shoulder of the “carrots” and switched out the vanilla with chocolate cupcakes for a more dramatic surprise with the first bite. Here’s the how to for the basics: Mini Filled Cupcakes

If you’re into the real deal, Carrot Cake, here.