Penuche Frosting & Buttermilk Cake

This is what you make for family dessert when the buttermilk is about to expire! This gal isn’t into drinking it straight up as Martha’s daughter said her mother secretly is, right from the carton. Buttermilk makes for a deliciously moist cake, one that doesn’t dry out a day later. I baked this cake in one 8 inch by 3 inch round but I really don’t recommend it. It was easier to frost but took extra time in baking leaving the edges a bit thick and firm. I recommend a 9 inch square or two eight inch rounds. As for the frosting, interestingly, it is believed penuche originated in Portugal and found its way to New England, right where my Grandmother Rose was raised. This butterscotch maple flavored frosting is just perfect with this cake. My Grandmother taught her new daughter-in-law by doing in the kitchen. This is another recipe Mother picked up, and we loved and still do!
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